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Exploring New York in 8K: an adaptive tile-based virtual reality video streaming experience

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PubDate: June 2019

Teams: Ghent University,Adobe Research

Writers: Maria Torres Vega;Jeroen van der Hooft;Joris Heyse;Femke De Backere;Tim Wauters;Filip De Turck;Stefano Petrangeli

PDF: Exploring New York in 8K: an adaptive tile-based virtual reality video streaming experience


Adapting and tiling the streaming of virtual reality (VR) video content has the potential to reduce the ultra-high bandwidth requirements of this type of multimedia services. Towards that goal, the optimization of a number of aspects is currently actively being researched. Novel rate adaptation heuristics, sophisticated viewport prediction algorithms and streaming protocol optimizations have proven their value to improve certain aspect of the VR streaming chain. However, the interplay between all these different optimizations as well as their tradeoff has not yet been explored in an experimental playground. The purpose of this demonstrator is to provide a full end-to-end adaptive tile-based VR video streaming system where each of the optimization aspects can be tuned with and their effect illustrated on-site.

