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Towards Augmenting IVR Communication with Physiological Sensing Data

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: May 2019

Teams: LMU Munich,Bundeswehr University of Munich

Writers: Ceenu George;Mariam Hassib

PDF: Towards Augmenting IVR Communication with Physiological Sensing Data


Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) does not afford social cues for communication, such as sweaty palms to indicate stress, as users can only see an avatar of their collaborator. Prior work has shown that this data is necessary for successful collaboration, which is why we propose to augment IVR communication by (1) real-time capturing of physiological senses and (2) leveraging the unlimited virtual space to display these. We present the results of a focus group (N=7) and a preliminary study (N=32) that investigate how this data may be visualized in a playful interaction and the effects they have on the performances of the collaborators.

