A comparative Study of Augmented Reality SDKs to Develop an Educational Application in Chemical Field

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PubDate: March 2019

Teams: LIST Laboratory UAE University

Writers: Anasse Hanafi;Lotfi Elaachak;Mohammed Bouhorma

PDF: A comparative Study of Augmented Reality SDKs to Develop an Educational Application in Chemical Field


Augmented Reality “AR” is an increasingly pervasive newcomer in higher-education; it offers good advantages for learners to learn anywhere and at any time. Working in this new promoter research area can be attractive for researchers, due in one hand, to the lack of such applications used in education, on the other hand to the higher quality of the developed applications. In this paper, we present a comparative study concerning some AR software development kits “SDKs”, this comparison will be based on several significant criteria, in order, to choose the most suitable SDK adapted for the learning process in higher education, more especially the chemical scope. Thereafter, according to the analysis of the obtained results, we will develop an educational AR application based on the chosen SDK. The proposed application combines Augmented Reality techniques, game engine utilities, rendering of both 2D and 3D resources, and objects detection and tracking algorithm, and its main objective is to allow learners to learn new concepts in organic chemistry e.g. “stereochemistry”, and to understand the compositions of both atoms and molecules in 3D environment.


