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High computer gaming experience may cause higher virtual reality sickness

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PubDate: December 2018

Teams: Griffith University

Writers: Xavier Hunt;Leigh Ellen Potter

PDF: High computer gaming experience may cause higher virtual reality sickness


This paper describes one work-in-progress finding of a larger pilot study, investigating simulator sickness in virtual reality. The investigation asked participants (n = 10) to play though a VR application, and then complete a Simulator Sickness Qestionnaire. Participants were also asked for some demographic data, including rating their level of traditional gaming experience (0 to 5). A weak Spearman correlation between gaming experience and virtual reality sickness was found (rs = 0.56) in this sample group. Two hypotheses on why this correlation may exist are also presented in this paper - one described using the postural instability theory, and the other described with the rest frame hypothesis.

