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Future-mine VR as narrative decision making tool

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: November 2018

Teams: UNSW

Writers: Tomasz Bednarz;Daniel Filonik;Amy Buchan;Lucy Ogden-Doyle

PDF: Future-mine VR as narrative decision making tool


This work presents a narrative story of a Future Mine scenario that uses Virtual Reality as a medium to replace traditional spreadsheet-based policy making framework currently widely used in government agencies for decision making process. The scenario presented envisions user exploring underground mine, where extraction processes had been almost fully automated, and environment is constantly monitored by a variety of modern and futuristic sensors. The use of story-telling using VR is explored to present novel application scenarios for sensing technologies and to facilitate better understanding of the context in which they will be used. Further the experience is translated into informed decision making.

