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GazeRecall: Using Gaze Direction to Increase Recall of Details in Cinematic Virtual Reality

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PubDate: November 2018

Teams: LMU Munich

Writers: Sylvia Rothe;Felix Althammer;Mohamed Khamis

PDF: GazeRecall: Using Gaze Direction to Increase Recall of Details in Cinematic Virtual Reality


In this work, we show how the use of flickering in Cinematic Virtual Reality (CVR) content can not only guide the user’s attention, but also significantly improve recall of details. The findings are particularly useful for practitioners who generate educational and corporate training content, as well as for directors of CVR videos who want to draw the user’s attention to certain details in movies or virtual tours. We report on a between-subjects user study, in which we experimented with flickering methods to increase user’s recall of certain details in CVR videos. Participants had to report details of objects on which the method was applied. In our experiments, the intensive flicker improved the recall of details significantly. We discuss how the studied methods can improve recall of details in different use cases.

