Virtual Reality Performance Platform for Learning about Dementia
PubDate: October 2018
Teams: The Ohio State University
Writers: Vita Berezina-Blackburn;Alex Oliszewski;Dreama Cleaver;Lakshika Udakandage
PDF: Virtual Reality Performance Platform for Learning about Dementia
Dementia is one of the most devastating conditions affecting the lives of older populations and their families. Preparing families and potential caregivers for the stressful journey of care demands fostering the understanding and empathy for those living with dementia. Existing simulations of the dementia symptoms focus on analogue simulations of sensory deterioration. Our virtual reality system immerses the participant in a casual interactive semi-scripted scenario with a live inter-actor. Through the changing virtual environment and interactions with their virtual partner, the participant experiences a simulation of the effects of memory loss and time disorientation. Through their unscripted improvised response, they are free to explore different reactions and understand potential emotions that may occur in those living with dementia. The immersed participant and the audience also observe the effect of these changes on participant-caregiver interactions.