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Tile-Based Viewport-Adaptive Panoramic Video Streaming on Smartphones

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: October 2018

Teams: Indiana University,AT&T Labs

Writers: Feng Qian;Bo Han;Qingyang Xiao;Vijay Gopalakrishnan

PDF: Tile-Based Viewport-Adaptive Panoramic Video Streaming on Smartphones


Flare is a practical system for streaming 360-degree videos on smartphones. It takes a viewport-adaptive approach, which fetches only portions of a panoramic scene that cover what a viewer is about to perceive. Flare consists of a novel framework for the end-to-end streaming pipeline, introduces innovative streaming algorithms, and brings numerous system-level optimizations. In our demo, we will show that Flare substantially outperforms traditional viewport-agnostic streaming algorithms in terms of the video quality. We will also invite the audience to use Flare to watch attractive 360-degree videos.

