空 挡 广 告 位 | 空 挡 广 告 位

Fakeye: Sky Augmentation with Real-time Sky Segmentation and Texture Blending

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PubDate: June 2020

Teams: University of Science, VNU-HCM

Writers: Anh-Thu Tran, Yen Le

PDF: Fakeye: Sky Augmentation with Real-time Sky Segmentation and Texture Blending


Augmented Reality (AR) has been intensively used to enhance human experience by providing artificial content in addition to their real surroundings. While many AR applications are focusing on serving indoor tasks, higher and vaster space such as the sky should also be paid attention to in order to create a fuller virtual environment. Since objects from afar behave differently from near objects in term of rendering, in this paper, we try to devise an approach to augment the sky with virtual objects where challenges such as real-time sky segmentation for creating illusion of occlusion, real-and-virtual scenes blending as well as cameras alignment are also addressed. Our mobile implementation of the approach which is called “Fakeye” produces promising result and brings about exciting experience.

