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A Movement Analysis System based on Immersive Virtual Reality and Wearable Technology for Sport Training

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PubDate: February 2018

Teams: Politecnico di Torino

Writers: Alberto Cannavò;Filippo Gabriele Pratticò;Giuseppe Ministeri;Fabrizio Lamberti

PDF: A Movement Analysis System based on Immersive Virtual Reality and Wearable Technology for Sport Training


The use of virtual reality (VR) is widespread in a growing number of application domains. Continuous technological advancements in the field of computer graphics made VR an interesting tool for learning purposes, especially in sport. Examples can be found in different sports such as rugby, baseball, soccer, golf, etc. This paper presents a VR-based training system that can be used as a self-learning tool to improve the execution of a given technical gesture. In particular, the basketball free throw gesture is considered. To assess the usefulness of the proposed system, experimental tests were carried out in a small-scale setup by involving 18 non-skilled volunteers. Results demonstrated that the designed system can improve the execution of the considered gesture in terms of both timing and spatial positioning compared to an alternative technique based on video projection.

