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Dual task based cognitive stress induction and its influence on path integration

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PubDate: November 2017

Teams: Institute of Cognitive Science Osnabrück

Writers: Petr Legkov;Krzysztof Izdebski;Silke Kärcher;Peter König

PDF: Dual task based cognitive stress induction and its influence on path integration


Current stress induction methods are often too theoretical and do not reflect to real life scenarios. In this study, we used a dual task paradigm in virtual reality, combining a navigation task with a reaction task. With this setup, we aimed at creating a novel benchmark stress induction approach utilizing modern virtual reality technology. Results show that our paradigm induced small scale physiological and subjective state changes. Lastly, we discuss our paradigm and experimental results from the perspective of ecological validity and present suggestions for improving our stress induction methodology as well as potential areas of use.

