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VR model of bridge construction: a didactic application

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PubDate: March 2017

Teams: University of Lisbon

Writers: Alcínia Zita Sampaio;Octávio Martins

PDF: VR model of bridge construction: a didactic application


Virtual Reality (VR) technology is regularly applied in education as a complement to three-dimensional (3D) models, leading to better communication between teachers and students. In a construction environment, the user visualizes a virtual world that is not real, following the interaction with virtual objects representing construction components and equipment needed to support construction. A didactic interactive model showing launching methodology of constructing deck bridges was developed. The 4D application allow the visual simulation of the physical progression of this type of work and also assist in the study of the necessary equipment needed and how it functions on site. The 4D/VR model allows the visual and interactive transmission of information related to the construction defined as a function of the time variable. The main objective of the practical application of the didactic models is to support class-based learning. The use of the didactic VR application makes the advantage of using techniques of virtual reality more self-evident.

