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Phenomenologically Augmented Reality With New Wearable LED Sequential Wave Imprinting Machines

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: March 2017

Teams: University of Toronto

Writers: Pete Scourboutakos;Max Hao Lu;Sarang Nerker;Steve Mann

PDF: Phenomenologically Augmented Reality With New Wearable LED Sequential Wave Imprinting Machines


The Sequential Wave Imprinting Machine (SWIM), invented by Steve Mann in the 1970s, offers naked-eye augmentedreality overlays with perfect alignment, through a Persistence of Exposure (PoE) of human vision, or photographic/videographic media.

This paper proposes a new SWIM design with only 2 transistor elements per picture element, therefore making SWIM more wearable, miniature, and affordable. We present a SWIM for being worn on one finger, as a ring, to overlay a phenomenologically augmented reality for metaveillance(sensing sensors and sensing their capacity to sense) and HARCAD (Haptic Augmented Reality Computer Aided Design/Manufacture).

