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A model for in-situ augmented reality content creation based on storytelling and gamification

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PubDate: September 2016

Teams: Universidad de las Américas Puebla

Writers: Fernando Vera;J. Alfredo Sánchez

PDF: A model for in-situ augmented reality content creation based on storytelling and gamification


Augmented Reality (AR) has the potential to improve the user experience in different contexts. This paper describes SituAR, a model designed to facilitate the creation of stories with gamification elements and AR content. Our approach on AR content creation is based on storytelling elements to augment the context in points of interest (POIs). We report preliminary work and discuss the main components of the model such as social media, storytelling, gamification, augmented reality and multimedia. Our emphasis is on empower users to become authors in order to create content in different scenarios. We are exploring new ways of interaction to improve the user experience in POIs and promote cultural heritage through stories. In this paper, the inception of SituAR is discussed in addition to support scenarios and preliminary prototypes.

