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TactileVR: Integrating Physical Toys into Learn and Play Virtual Reality Experiences

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: May 2016

Teams: Massachusetts Institute of Technology;Microsoft Research

Writers: Judith Amores;Xavier Benavides;Lior Shapira

PDF: TactileVR: Integrating Physical Toys into Learn and Play Virtual Reality Experiences


We present TactileVR, an immersive presence and tactile feedback into virtual reality. Our system allows users free to move around and interact with physical objects and toys, which co-exist in the virtual world. By integrating tracking information from the space as well as head, hands and feet of the user, we represent this information as virtual proxies in the 3D environment. Each object has a unique appearance and behavior e.g. in an electric circuits lab toy blocks serve as switches, batteries and light bulbs. By tracking and integrating toys and other everyday objects into VR, we are able to create educational and recreational experiences for children, an environment in which they can play and learn more autonomously.

