The roles of input and output modalities on user interaction in mobile augmented reality application

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PubDate: December 2015

Teams: Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Writers: Nur Intan Adhani Muhamad Nazri;Dayang Rohaya Awang Rambli

PDF: The roles of input and output modalities on user interaction in mobile augmented reality application


Current interaction that make use of touchscreen displays have now become the de-facto standard especially in smartphones. Very few works have been done on interaction modalities in mobile AR application. This paper presents the results of a study that investigates the effect of different combinations of input and output modalities on user interaction experience. Participants were given a mobile AR application and they needed to perform a certain task in specific time. Results showed interaction modalities mostly preferred by the participants is GAV_HS and certain combinations of interaction modalities that could improve user interaction experience in terms of ease of use.


