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Remembering the physical as virtual: source confusion and physical interaction in augmented reality

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: September 2015

Teams: Columbia University;University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Writers: Ajoy S. Fernandes;Ranxiao Frances Wang;Daniel J. Simons

PDF: Remembering the physical as virtual: source confusion and physical interaction in augmented reality


This study explored whether people misremember having seen a physical object when they actually had viewed a virtual one in augmented reality (and vice versa). Participants viewed uniquely shaped objects in a virtual form or a physical, 3D-printed form. A camera mounted behind a computer monitor showed either the physical object or an augmented reality version of it on the display. After viewing the full set of objects, participants viewed photographs of each object (taken from the physical version) and judged whether they had originally seen it as a physical or virtual object. On average, participants correctly identified the object format for 60% of the photographs. When participants were allowed to manipulate the physical or virtual object (using a Leap Motion Controller), accuracy increased to 73%. In both cases, participants were biased to remember the objects as having been virtual.

