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A mobile augmented reality system to enhance live sporting events

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: March 2015

Teams: SUNY Oswego

Writers: Samantha Bielli;Christopher G. Harris

PDF: A mobile augmented reality system to enhance live sporting events


Sporting events broadcast on television or through the internet are often supplemented with statistics and background information on each player. This information is typically only available for sporting events followed by a large number of spectators. Here we describe an Android-based augmented reality (AR) tool built on the Tesseract API that can store and provide augmented information about each participant in nearly any sporting event. This AR tool provides for a more engaging spectator experience for viewing professional and amateur events alike. We also describe the preliminary field tests we have conducted, some identified limitations of our approach, and how we plan to address each in future work.

