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Development of a Simple and Low-Cost Olfactory Display for Immersive Media Experiences

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: November 2014

Teams: The University of Texas at Dallas

Writers: Nicolas S. Herrera;Ryan P. McMahan

PDF: Development of a Simple and Low-Cost Olfactory Display for Immersive Media Experiences


Olfaction is an important perceptual function that is often neglected in immersive media (IM) and virtual reality (VR) applications. Because the effects of olfaction have not been researched as much as those of visual, auditory, or haptic senses, the effects of olfactory stimuli on IM experiences are mainly unexplored, largely unknown, and debatable in many examples. A major factor limiting olfaction research is the lack of olfactory display options. Commercial solutions are often inadequate and expensive. Prior research on olfactory displays is helpful, but pertinent details are normally missing, and the devices are often too complex to replicate. To address this issue, we have developed a simple, low-cost olfactory display by using inexpensive components and leveraging airflow for vaporization and scent delivery. In this paper, we detail the development of our display and describe an informal study evaluating its effectiveness.

