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Distance estimation in virtual environments using different HMDs

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: August 2014

Teams: Vanderbilt University

Writers: Scott M. Andrus;Graham Gaylor;Bobby Bodenheimer

PDF: Distance estimation in virtual environments using different HMDs


A previous study, Young et al. [2014], explored comparisons between cost-differentiated head-mounted displays for the evaluation of various perception and action tasks. One of the comparisons in that work was egocentric distance estimation comparison using an Nvis SX 60 head-mounted display (HMD) and an Oculus Rift. This poster abstract supplements that study results with an additional HMD for evaluation of egocentric distance estimation task, an Nvis SX111. We find that performance of the Nvis SX111 is comparable to that of the Nvis SX60 in Young et al. [2014], which was significantly more compressed than the Oculus Rift.

