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Kinect-based virtual game for motor and cognitive rehabilitation: a pilot study for older adults

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PubDate: May 2014

Teams: University of Deusto

Writers: Zelai Sáenz-de-Urturi;Begoña García Zapirain;Amaia Méndez Zorrilla

PDF: Kinect-based virtual game for motor and cognitive rehabilitation: a pilot study for older adults


Physical rehabilitation is often necessary for individuals who suffer an injury or illness which causes a physical impairment, in order to restore movement and strength through supervised repetitive exercises. Alternatively, physical activity also improves cognitive performance and reduces cognitive decline. This tool focuses on therapeutic aspects of both cognitive and physical rehabilitation for older adults, as it improves memory by performing mental activities and physical rehabilitation at the same time.

To achieve this, a Kinect-based virtual game intended for Windows which enables users to control and interact intuitively with the computer without an intermediary controller has been developed. Furthermore, all the data generated during the session is stored in order to log each rehabilitation activity.

Preliminary tests have shown an increase in the users’ motivation while using the tool. They also indicated the possible rehabilitation of 18 patients with motor disabilities and the maintenance of their cognitive impairment preventing its degeneration.

