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Perceiving Mass in Mixed Reality through Pseudo-Haptic Rendering of Newton’s Third Law

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PubDate: Feb 201


Writers: Paul Issartel (LIMSI), Florimond Guéniat (FSU), Sabine Coquillart (PRIMA), Mehdi Ammi (LIMSI)

PDF: Perceiving Mass in Mixed Reality through Pseudo-Haptic Rendering of Newton’s Third Law


In mixed reality, real objects can be used to interact with virtual objects. However, unlike in the real world, real objects do not encounter any opposite reaction force when pushing against virtual objects. The lack of reaction force during manipulation prevents users from perceiving the mass of virtual objects. Although this could be addressed by equipping real objects with force-feedback devices, such a solution remains complex and this http URL this work, we present a technique to produce an illusion of mass without any active force-feedback mechanism. This is achieved by simulating the effects of this reaction force in a purely visual way. A first study demonstrates that our technique indeed allows users to differentiate light virtual objects from heavy virtual objects. In addition, it shows that the illusion is immediately effective, with no prior training. In a second study, we measure the lowest mass difference (JND) that can be perceived with this technique. The effectiveness and ease of implementation of our solution provides an opportunity to enhance mixed reality interaction at no additional cost.

