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Haptics-Augmented Physics Simulation: Coriolis Effect

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PubDate: Mar 2019

Teams: Armstrong Atlantic State University

Writers: Felix G. Hamza-Lup, Benjamin Page

PDF: Haptics-Augmented Physics Simulation: Coriolis Effect


The teaching of abstract physics concepts can be enhanced by incorporating visual and haptic sensory modalities in the classroom, using the correct perspectives. We have developed virtual reality simulations to assist students in learning the Coriolis effect, an apparent deflection on an object in motion when observed from within a rotating frame of reference. Twenty four undergraduate physics students participated in this study. Students were able to feel the forces through feedback on a Novint Falcon device. The assessment results show an improvement in the learning experience and better content retention as compared with traditional instruction methods. We prove that large scale deployment of visuo-haptic reconfigurable applications is now possible and feasible in a science laboratory setup.

