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Knotted Portals In Virtual Reality

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: Apr 2020

Teams: University of Cologne

Writers: Moritz Lucius Sümmermann

PDF: Knotted Portals in Virtual Reality


This article describes a software named “KnotPortal” for visualization of branched covers of knots based on an idea by Bill Thurston to view a knot as a portal to other universes. Our implementation allows users to explore these knotted portals either on a screen or in virtual reality using a head-mounted device with room-tracking. This allows users not only to see these glued different worlds, but experience them by being able to walk through the portals. This software can be used to enable students to learn about knots, gluing, (branched) covers, or just to have a fun look at portals.

