Real-Time Facial Expression Mapping for High Resolution 3D Meshes
Title: Real-Time Facial Expression Mapping for High Resolution 3D Meshes
Teams: Microsoft
Writers: Mingli Song Zicheng Liu Baining Guo
Publication date: June 2006
We present a learning-based 3D facial expression mapping technique that preserves facial expression details and works in real time for even high resolution meshes. Our approach is inspired by a previously developed technique called deformation transfer [1]. The deformation transfer technique preserves facial expression details but its computational overhead makes it not suitable for real time applications. To accelerate computation, we use a piecewise linear function to represent the mapping from the direct motion (the difference between the expression face and the neutral face) to the motion obtained by the deformation transfer method. This piecewise linear function is learned offline from a small set of training data. The online computation is thus reduced to the evaluation of the piecewise linear functions which is significantly faster. As a result, we are able to perform real time expression mapping for even high resolution 3D meshes.