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Flightmare: A Flexible Quadrotor Simulator

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PubDate: Sep 2020

Teams: University of Zurich

Writers: Yunlong Song, Selim Naji, Elia Kaufmann, Antonio Loquercio, Davide Scaramuzza

PDF: Flightmare: A Flexible Quadrotor Simulator


Currently available quadrotor simulators have a rigid and highly-specialized structure: either are they really fast, physically accurate, or photo-realistic. In this work, we propose a paradigm-shift in the development of simulators: moving the trade-off between accuracy and speed from the developers to the end-users. We use this design idea to develop a novel modular quadrotor simulator: Flightmare. Flightmare is composed of two main components: a configurable rendering engine built on Unity and a flexible physics engine for dynamics simulation. Those two components are totally decoupled and can run independently from each other. This makes our simulator extremely fast: rendering achieves speeds of up to 230 Hz, while physics simulation of up to 200,000 Hz. In addition, Flightmare comes with several desirable features: (i) a large multi-modal sensor suite, including an interface to extract the 3D point-cloud of the scene; (ii) an API for reinforcement learning which can simulate hundreds of quadrotors in parallel; and (iii) an integration with a virtual-reality headset for interaction with the simulated environment. We demonstrate the flexibility of Flightmare by using it for two completely different robotic tasks: learning a sensorimotor control policy for a quadrotor and path-planning in a complex 3D environment.

