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Avatar Implementation in Virtual Reality Environment using Situated Learning for “Tawaf”

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PubDate: Dec 2019

Teams: Universiti Teknologi MARA

Writers: Anita Mohd Yasin;Zeti Darleena;Mohd Ali MohdIsa

PDF: Avatar Implementation in Virtual Reality Environment using Situated Learning for “Tawaf”


The growing need on learner-centered education in recent years has motivated this study by applying virtual reality learning environment as an approach via engaging problem-solving activities. This study is emphasizing on 3D virtual reality environment using avatar human based immersive and simulation. The avatar will guide learners through virtual reality environment as they participate in a role based problem solving, hold highly potential for situated learning. Simulation allows learners to immerse themselves in a problematic situation by providing a dynamic navigation. Situated learning enables learner to takes on active role in the learning context in system being studied which is learning the Moslem’s tawaf practice as one of the hajj pillars. Later, it will provide learners with preliminary understanding by engaging into practice the tawaf virtually before they undergo for actual training by using avatar. Thus, learners will be able to immerse themselves with tawaf process virtually. Finally a virtual reality prototype that focuses on tawaf practice will be developed which can be used by a diversify learners from school students to adult learners.

