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Attention guiding techniques using peripheral vision and eye tracking for feedback in augmented-reality-based assistance systems

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PubDate: April 2017

Teams: Bielefeld University

Writers: Patrick Renner ; Thies Pfeiffer

PDF: Attention guiding techniques using peripheral vision and eye tracking for feedback in augmented-reality-based assistance systems


A limiting factor of current smart glasses-based augmented reality (AR) systems is their small field of view. AR assistance systems designed for tasks such as order picking or manual assembly are supposed to guide the visual attention of the user towards the item that is relevant next. This is a challenging task, as the user may initially be in an arbitrary position and orientation relative to the target. As a result of the small field of view, in most cases the target will initially not be covered by the AR display, even if it is visible to the user. This raises the question of how to design attention guiding for such “off-screen gaze” conditions.

