Evaluation of “dokidoki feelings” for a VR system using ECGs with comparison between genders
PubDate: November 201
Teams: Shibaura Institute of Technology
Writers: Kodai Ito ; Michiko Ohkura
PDF: Evaluation of “dokidoki feelings” for a VR system using ECGs with comparison between genders
In our previous research, we evaluated a “feeling of excitement” using biosignals and proposed the standard deviation of the intervals between the R-waves (SDNN) and R-R interval variability (RRV) from electrocardiograms (ECGs) as physiological indices. In this research, we focused on a “dokidoki feeling, ” which is the main component of a `feeling of excitement, ” and experimentally evaluated a VR game called “Summer lesson” using ECGs. In addition, we measured each participant’s personal space before the experiencing the VR game and clarified the relationship among “dokidoki feeling,” personal space, and gender using physiological indices.