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Fall Risk Analysis during VR Interaction

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: November 2017

Teams: PUC-Rio

Writers: Armando Martínez González ; Alberto Barbosa Raposo

PDF: Fall Risk Analysis during VR Interaction


With the increasing popularity and accessibility of high-quality Virtual Reality (VR) systems, concerns have been raised about the propensity of VR to induce balance loss. Balance is essential for safe use of VR experience and its loss can result in severe injury. This project is set to create a system able to measure the impact of VR in the human balance system. In this work, we design and conduct an experiment making use of the Oculus Rift VR headset and MS Kinect Sensor. In this experiment, we are able to visualize, quantify, and compare the effect of different VR scenes on the balance of the experiment subjects as well as the effect of visual and auditory warnings of balance loss.

