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FeedBucket: Simplified Haptic Feedback for VR and MR

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PubDate: September 2020

Teams: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Writers: Valentino Artizzu;Davide Fara;Riccardo Macis;Lucio Davide Spano

PDF: FeedBucket: Simplified Haptic Feedback for VR and MR


Standard development libraries for Virtual and Mixed Reality support haptic feedback through low-level parameters, which do not guide developers in creating effective interactions. In this paper, we report some preliminary results on a simplified structure for the creation, assignment and execution of haptic feedback for standard controllers with the optional feature of synchronizing an haptic pattern to an auditory feedback. In addition, we present the results of a preliminary test investigating the users’ ability in recognizing variations in intensity and/or duration of the stimulus, especially when the two dimensions are combined for encoding information.

