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Climb, Fly, Stack: Design of Tangible and Gesture-Based Interfaces for Natural and Efficient Interaction

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: August 2018

Teams: SATT Ouest Valorization

Writers: Alexandre Audinot; Emeric Goga; Vincent Goupil; Carl-Johan Jorqensen; Adrien Reuzeau; Ferran Argelaguet

PDF: Climb, Fly, Stack: Design of Tangible and Gesture-Based Interfaces for Natural and Efficient Interaction


This paper describes three novel 3D interaction metaphors conceived to fulfill the three tasks proposed in the current edition of the IEEE VR 3DUI Contest. We propose the VladdeR, a tangible interface for Virtual laddeR climbing, the FPDrone, a First Person Drone control flying interface, and the Dice Cup, a tangible interface for virtual object stacking. All three interactions take advantage of body proprioception and previous knowledge of real life interactions without the need of complex interaction mechanics: climbing a tangible ladder through arm and leg motions, control a drone like a child flies an imaginary plane by extending your arms or stacking objects as you will grab and stack dice with a dice cup.

