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Comparing Unobtrusive Gaze Guiding Stimuli in Head-Mounted Displays

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PubDate: September 2018

Teams: TU Braunschweig

Writers: Steve Grogorick; Georgia Albuquerque; Marcus Magnor

PDF: Comparing Unobtrusive Gaze Guiding Stimuli in Head-Mounted Displays


In this paper we investigate the efficiency of five different image-space post-processing gaze guidance techniques adapted for immersive environments, probing our peripheral vision’s sensitivity to different stimuli embedded in complex, real-world panorama still images. We conducted an extensive perceptual study for the commercially available HTC Vive Head-Mounted Display that is equipped with a high-quality eye tracking system to monitor the subjects’ gaze direction and saccades in real-time. Despite evaluation reveals no outstanding winner, the local magnification effect by Dorr et al. performed the best with up to 30 % target-directed saccades within the first second.

