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Filtering Mechanisms of Shared Social Surrounding Environments in AR

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: January 2020

Teams: HIT Lab NZ;University of South Australia;University of Auckland

Writers: Alaeddin Nassani; Gun Lee; Mark Billinghurst; Robert W. Lindeman

PDF: Filtering Mechanisms of Shared Social Surrounding Environments in AR


This work describes a system and a user study for hiding and showing parts of the shared surrounding spaces in social AR applications for wearable devices. It extends previous work on the Social AR Continuum by exploring how sharing the surrounding environment can vary based on the social proximity between contacts. We built a prototype system for sharing the surrounding environment between two HoloLens devices. We found that Remove is the preferred hiding mechanism for the sharer in terms of social presence. We discuss the research findings and outline future directions for research in sharing surrounding spaces on social AR applications for wearable devices.

