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Exploration of Hands-free Text Entry Techniques For Virtual Reality

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PubDate: December 2020

Teams: Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University;University of British Columbia - Okanagan;The University of Melbourne

Writers: Xueshi Lu; Difeng Yu; Hai-Ning Liang; Wenge Xu; Yuzheng Chen; Xiang Li; Khalad Hasan

PDF: Exploration of Hands-free Text Entry Techniques For Virtual Reality


Text entry is a common activity in virtual reality (VR) systems. There is a limited number of available hands-free techniques, which allow users to carry out text entry when users’ hands are busy such as holding items or hand-based devices are not available. The most used hands-free text entry technique is DwellType, where a user selects a letter by dwelling over it for a specific period. However, its performance is limited due to the fixed dwell time for each character selection. In this paper, we explore two other hands-free text entry mechanisms in VR: BlinkType and NeckType, which leverage users’ eye blinks and neck’s forward and backward movements to select letters. With a user study, we compare the performance of the two techniques with DwellType. Results show that users can achieve an average text entry rate of 13.47, 11.18 and 11.65 words per minute with BlinkType, NeckType, and DwellType, respectively. Users’ subjective feedback shows BlinkType as the preferred technique for text entry in VR. Index Terms: Human-centered computing—Human computer interaction (HCI)—Interaction paradigms—Virtual reality; Human-centered computing—Human computer interaction (HCI)—Interaction techniques—Text input

