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Wind-Blaster: aWearable Propeller-based Prototype that Provides Ungrounded Force-Feedback

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Title: Wind-Blaster: aWearable Propeller-based Prototype that Provides Ungrounded Force-Feedback

Teams: KAIST

Writers: Seungwoo Je; Leila Hyelip Lee;Myung Jin Kim;Andrea Bianchi

Publication date: August 2018


Ungrounded haptic force-feedback is a crucial element for applications that aim to immerse users in virtual environments where also mobility is an important component of the experience, like for example Virtual Reality games. In this paper, we present a novel wearable interface that generates a force-feedback by spinning two drone-propellers mounted on a wrist. The device is interfaced with a game running in Unity, and it is capable to render different haptic stimuli mapped to four weapons. A simple evaluation with users demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed approach.

