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A Path-Based Attention Guiding Technique for Assembly Environments with Target Occlusions

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PubDate: August 2018

Teams: Bielefeld University

Writers: Patrick Renner; Jonas Blattgerste; Thies Pfeiffer

PDF: A Path-Based Attention Guiding Technique for Assembly Environments with Target Occlusions


An important use-case of augmented reality-based assistance systems is supporting users in search tasks by guiding their attention towards the relevant targets. This has been shown to reduce search time and errors, such as wrongly picked items or false placements. The optimization of attention guiding techniques is thus one area of research in augmented assistance. In this paper, we address the problem of attention guiding in domains with occluded targets. We propose and evaluate a variant of a line-based approach and show that it improves upon two existing approaches in a newly designed evaluation scenario.

