CasualStereo: Casual Capture of Stereo Panoramas with Spherical Structure-from-Motion
PubDate: March 2020
Teams: University of Otago,California Polytechnic State University
Writers: Lewis Baker*, Steven Mills†,Stefanie Zollmann‡, Jonathan Ventura§
PDF: CasualStereo: Casual Capture of Stereo Panoramas with Spherical Structure-from-Motion
Project: CasualStereo: Casual Capture of Stereo Panoramas with Spherical Structure-from-Motion
Hand-held capture of stereo panoramas involves spinning the camera in a roughly circular path to acquire a dense set of views of the scene. However, most existing structure-from-motion pipelines fail when trying to reconstruct such trajectories, due to the small baseline between frames. In this work, we evaluate the use of spherical structure-from-motion for reconstructing handheld stereo panorama captures. The spherical motion constraint introduces a strong regularization on the structure-from-motion process which mitigates the small-baseline problem, making it well-suited to the use case of stereo panorama capture with a handheld camera. We demonstrate the effectiveness of spherical structure-from-motion for casual capture of high-resolution stereo panoramas and validate our results with a user study