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Effect of Full Body Avatar in Augmented Reality Remote Collaboration

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PubDate: August 2019

Teams: University of Tsukuba;OKI Electric Industry Co., Ltd

Writers: Tzu-Yang Wang; Yuji Sato; Mai Otsuki; Hideaki Kuzuoka; Yusuke Suzuki

PDF: Effect of Full Body Avatar in Augmented Reality Remote Collaboration


In this paper, we compared three different types of avatar design (“Body”, “Hand + Arm”, and “Hand only”) for the augmented reality remote instruction system in terms of usability. The result showed that the usability of the remote instruction system with full body avatar has a higher usability. In addition, participants felt more easily to track the full body avatar than the avatar with hand only. However, concerning the understandability of the instruction, there was no difference between three designs.

