OnBodyVR: Virtual Reality Application with Eyes-free on-Body Interface Based on three Tracked Points
PubDate: May 2020
Teams: University of Stuttgart
Writers: Manuel Dixken; Tobias Schultze; Matthias Bues
PDF: OnBodyVR: Virtual Reality Application with Eyes-free on-Body Interface Based on three Tracked Points
With on-body interaction the body can be used as an interface which is available at any time and it enables eyes-free interaction through proprioception. However, this type of interaction poses a challenge in terms of capturing the position and orientation of body parts. In this work, an application is presented which uses a heuristic method which allows eyes-free on-body interaction using a virtual reality system with 3 tracked points. Via the manner the user carries head-mounted display and the two hand controllers combined with the anthropometric findings on maximum rotations of the involved joints, on-body interaction can be enabled. The heuristic method facilitates on-body interaction with forearms, shoulders and hip. One of our other works has shown that an abstract 2D graphical user interface can be used for this on-body interaction. In this research demonstration a game-like application is presented, where the user can try out the on-body interface and test its robustness.