Getting There Together: Group Navigation in Distributed Virtual Environments

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PubDate: May 2020

Teams: Virtual Reality and Visualization Research Group, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Writers: Tim Weissker ; Pauline Bimberg ; Bernd Froehlich

PDF: Getting There Together: Group Navigation in Distributed Virtual Environments


We analyzed the design space of group navigation tasks in distributed virtual environments and present a framework consisting of techniques to form groups, distribute responsibilities, navigate together, and eventually split up again. To improve joint navigation, our work focused on an extension of the Multi-Ray Jumping technique that allows adjusting the spatial formation of two distributed users as part of the target specification process. The results of a quantitative user study showed that these adjustments lead to significant improvements in joint two-user travel, which is evidenced by more efficient travel sequences and lower task loads imposed on the navigator and the passenger. In a qualitative expert review involving all four stages of group navigation, we confirmed the effective and efficient use of our technique in a more realistic use-case scenario and concluded that remote collaboration benefits from fluent transitions between individual and group navigation.


