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A Demonstration of ShareVR: Co-Located Experiences for Virtual Reality Between HMD and Non-HMD Users

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PubDate: August 2018

Teams: Ulm University

Writers: Jan Gugenheimer; Evgeny Stemasov; Julian Frommel; Enrico Rukzio

PDF: A Demonstration of ShareVR: Co-Located Experiences for Virtual Reality Between HMD and Non-HMD Users


Most current virtual reality (VR) head-mounted displays (HMD) create a highly immersive experience and are currently becoming part of the living room entertainment (e.g. PSVR). However, current VR systems focus mainly on increasing the immersion and enjoyment for the user wearing the HMD (HMD user). This results in all the bystanders (Non-HMD users) in the living room being excluded from the experience and degraded to mainly observing the HMD user. In this demonstration we show ShareVR, a VR system using floor projection and mobile displays in combination with positional tracking to visualize the virtual world for the Non-HMD user, enabling them to interact with the HMD user and become part of the VR experience. Additionally, we implemented several experiences for the asymmetric nature of ShareVR, exploring its design space.

