Advertising perception with immersive virtual reality devices
PubDate: April 2017
Teams: University of Sao Paulo
Writers: Eduardo Zilles Borba; Marcelo Knorich Zuffo
PDF: Advertising perception with immersive virtual reality devices
This poster presents an initial study about people experience with advertising messages in Virtual Reality (VR) that simulates the urban space. Besides looking to the plastic and textual factors perceived by the users in the Virtual Environment (VE), this work also reflects about effects of immersion provided by different technological devices and its possible influences in the advertising message reception process - a head-mounted display (Oculus Rift DK2), a cavern automatic virtual environment (CAVE) and a desktop monitor (PC). To carry this empirical experiment, a 3D scenario that simulates a real city urban space was created and several advertising image formats were inserted on its landscape. User navigation through the urban space was designed in a firstperson perspective. In short, we intend to accomplish two objectives: (a) to identify which factors lead people to pay attention to adverting in immersive VE; (b) to verify the immersion effects produced by different VR interfaces in the perception of advertising.