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Field of View and Forward Motion Discrimination in Virtual Reality

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PubDate: August 2019

Teams: University of Mississippi School of Law

Writers: Jonathan E. Hopper; Hunter Finney; J. Adam Jones

PDF: Field of View and Forward Motion Discrimination in Virtual Reality


There has long been interest in illusions of self-motion and their perception in virtual environments. Prior work has indicated that an observer’s field of view size is an important factor in the perception of self-motion both real and illusory. Restricted fields of view in some virtual reality displays has limited the extent to which this can be studied. In this paper, we discuss a pilot study examining how well observers can discriminate forward motion velocities as viewed through two common, but differing, field of view configurations. We find that observers are quite sensitive to changes in forward motion. The perceived magnitude of this motion is also found to be affected by field of view size with a smaller field of view resulting in slower perceived velocity.

