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HIPS – A Virtual Reality Hip Prosthesis Implantation Simulator

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: August 2018

Teams: University of Bremen;Chernnitz University of Technology;CAT PRODUCTION

Writers: Maximilian Kaluschke; René Weller; Gabriel Zachmann; Luigi Pelliccia; Mario Lorenz; Philipp Klimant; Sebastian Knopp;Johannes P. G. Atze

PDF: HIPS – A Virtual Reality Hip Prosthesis Implantation Simulator


We present the first VR training simulator for hip replacement surgeries. We solved the main challenges of this task – high and stable forces during the milling process while simultaneously a very sensitive feedback is required – by using an industrial robot for the force output and the development of a novel massively parallel haptic rendering algorithm with support for material removal.

