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ThermAirGlove: A Pneumatic Glove for Material Perception in Virtual Reality through Thermal and Force Feedback

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PubDate: November 2019

Teams: City University ofHong Kong

Writers: Shaoyu Cai;Pingchuan Ke;Shanshan Jiang;Takuji Narumi;Kening Zhu

PDF: ThermAirGlove: A Pneumatic Glove for Material Perception in Virtual Reality through Thermal and Force Feedback


We demonstrate ThermAirGlove (TAGlove), a pneumatic glovewith embedded air bags which provide concurrent on-hand thermaland force feedback in VR. Besides simulating VR objects in dierenttemperature, TAGlove could generate the thermal cues of dierentmaterials (e.g., copper, glass, urethane, etc.) by controlling the airtemperature, and support users’ material identication in VR. Inaddition, the force feedback by the inated air bags could simulatethe size of the virtual objects

