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Assessing the Spatial Distribution of Visual Attention in a Virtual Environment: Development and Validation of a Novel VR-based Attentional Visual Field (AVF) Task

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PubDate: April 2022

Teams: Texas Tech University

Writers: Daxton Mitchell;HeeSun Choi

PDF: Assessing the Spatial Distribution of Visual Attention in a Virtual Environment: Development and Validation of a Novel VR-based Attentional Visual Field (AVF) Task


Visual attention is critical for everyday task performance and safety. The Attentional Visual Field Task (AVF) is an established, computerized method for assessing the distribution of visual attention across a wide visual field. High-fidelity virtual reality (VR) presents an opportunity for more ecological methods for assessing and training visual attention; however, this novel approach has not been examined. We developed a new VR-based AVF task, AVF-VE, using a Head-Mounted Display (HMD) VR device with an integrated eye-tracker, and conducted a study to validate this newly developed visual attention task. We further examined how visual attention is distributed in a virtual visual field. The findings suggest that the VR-based visual attention task is a valid and useful tool that can be used for future attention research and training. Unique characteristics of the spatial distribution of visual attention in the virtual environment observed in the current evaluation study are discussed.

