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Efficient Information Sharing Techniques between Workers of Heterogeneous Tasks in 3D CVE

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: November 2018

Teams: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,Osaka University

Writers: Santawat Thanyadit;Parinya Punpongsanon;Ting-Chuen Pong

PDF: Efficient Information Sharing Techniques between Workers of Heterogeneous Tasks in 3D CVE


Collaboration between a helper and a worker in a 3D collaborative virtual environment usually requires real-time information sharing, since the worker relies on the timely assistance from the helper. In contrast, collaboration between workers requires them to shift their attention between independent tasks and dependent tasks. In worker-worker collaborations, a real-time updating technique could create excess information, which may be a distraction. In this paper, we compare different information sharing techniques and determine an efficient technique for the collaboration between workers. In our user experiment, participants performed a floor plan design task in a designer and engineer pairing on a desktop VR environment. The results showed that the proposed information sharing technique, in which objects are updated based on local users’ actions, is more suitable than real-time updates. In addition, we discuss design implications that can be applied to different collaborative scenarios.

