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User perception on 3D stereoscopic cultural heritage ancient collection

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: April 2016

Teams: ITS

Writers: Adri Gabriel Sooai;Surya Sumpeno;Mauridhi Hery Purnomo

PDF: User perception on 3D stereoscopic cultural heritage ancient collection


Cultural heritages are legacy and inherited from generation to generation, several sample of it are ancient artifacts. However, they are prone to damage and sometimes have limited access for observers to study in a museum. In supporting the younger generation to learn from cultural heritages, there are three-dimensional stereo technology which is able to support artifact exploration activities. The main goal of this study is to improve museum facilities. We present the application development work-flow with user perception of wearing 3D stereoscopic visual aid to see cultural heritage collection. We develop the 3D stereoscopic application using UNITY3D and deploy it on cardboard android device. As an experimental setup, several artifacts are placed in the scenery of this application. We ask several colleagues to test the application, and ask them about their experiences and perception in observing the artifacts using the application. A depth perception in 3D environment when exploring the scenery adheres to one perceptual principle of human-computer interaction, that is “make display legible”, the legibility of a visual device reaches its best when it can give the most important information to the user. The application will help students, observers and researchers or any visitors made an exploration and study from ancient collections without damaging the original one. In this way, the young generation can learn the cultural heritages using their favorite devices.

