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Voice separation with an unknown number of multiple speakers

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: July 10, 2020

Teams: Facebook AI;Tel-Aviv University

Writers: Eliya Nachmani;Yossi Adi;Lior Wolf

PDF: Voice separation with an unknown number of multiple speakers


We present a new method for separating a mixed audio sequence, in which multiple voices speak
simultaneously. The new method employs gated neural networks that are trained to separate the
voices at multiple processing steps, while maintaining the speaker in each output channel fixed. A different model is trained for every number of possible speakers, and the model with the largest
number of speakers is employed to select the actual number of speakers in a given sample. Our
method greatly outperforms the current state of the art, which, as we show, is not competitive for
more than two speakers.

